Thursday, March 08, 2012

Lock my heart, throw away the key.

I hope you who chanced upon this little space of mine will not find it too boring. I wanna make it entertaining but at the same time the purpose of this blog is to have a space to journal my thoughts and reflect. If you've been following, you'll realise I tend to blog more when I have more time with myself (sadly, it's usually when I'm feeling down.. bohooo! I need to change this and make it a habit instead!) I guess being by myself allows me more time to talk to myself and reflect upon things more thoroughly instead of letting the world go past me everyday, just like that. I really don't wish to be a lost soul and lead my whole life blindly. So I will try my best to reflect upon the events in my life. To make myself a better person and understand things better too! :) Anyway, I had the last supervision group meeting today for my dissertation writing. Time flies and it's all coming to an end! Like YAY and no yay. Mixed feelings I would say. Yay coz like finally i'll be over and done with it.. no yay because I have absolutely no confidence to meet the dateline at my current speed of writing. But I'm sure I'll get through it in the end lah :) First class first class, puhllleassssse!

Anyway, I've been so weary lately. Like completely exhausted when I'm home..I'm not sure if it's emotionally or physically. I can't quite tell the difference. Problably it's both? But I know I always have God's embrace to rest my soul in :) The love I get is undying and never judging. And also my family and friends too! I love them all <3

Anyway, I'm so hooked onto this song that you're hearing right now in my blog. It's the song I was talking about in my previous post. Sorry if it sounds old but I just love it <3 I love songs of such genre. I don't know why, maybe I was born in the wrong era, or maybe I was teleported from the time machine or smth to come to this era. Think too much I know! Haha! But I seriously love vintage... like anything old. Ok.. I take it back..maybe not all..

OMG! I deserve to be shot! I totally FORGOT to call grandma today to wish her Happy Birthday! I feel like a lousy grandchild :( OMGGGGGGGG! Please shoot me!!! :( :(

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